Monday, January 14, 2013

love & limbs

I'm feeling under the weather today so I won't be able to do my normal post. But of course I had to stay up to watch, and I have to say my favorite quote from the night was:

"My ability to love someone is not affected by how many hands I have." -Sarah

Thanks for clarifying! For some reason, I thought girls with one hand were incapable of love. Weird.

Oh, and Desiree is my post-baby bod inspiration. And bang inspiration. She is adorable. 



  1. I mean I think the Hades being an island quote is also worthy of mention.

  2. I love Desiree!!!! She is so adorable! Sarah is my girl in the Bach Pool but GOOD GRIEF her voice is driving me up the wall!!!!! And didn't Amanda look like death warmed over in that dress during the rose ceremony?! I was yelling at my tv because that dress was AWFUL!!!!
